Thursday, August 4, 3 – 5 p.m., Eastsound Fire Station

— from Greg Ayers —

Regular Meeting
Eastsound Planning & Review Committee (EPRC)
August 4, 2016
3:00 – 5:00 PM

Welcome and Introductions

Additions or Modifications to the Agenda


Public Comment #1

Main Topic #1 (45 Minutes)
Subarea Plan Regulations – Items from 2015 Ordinance
Review Paul Kamin’s document on valuation options
EDRC – Appeals Process
Retail Kiosks (possible wording to clarify)
Holiday Lighting (Oct – Feb)

Goal – Provide Council with proposed changes to the Subarea Plan Regulations

Main Topic #2 (20 Minutes)
OPAL No. Beach Rd development plans

Goal – Update


Old Business
1. Housing Update – Martha Fuller
2. Crescent Beach/Rose Street Community Discussion – Fred Klein/Jeff Otis
3. Lighting Project Update – Dan Vekved

New Business
1. Election of Officers – Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary
2. Drafting of Annual Report and 2016 – 2017 Workplan – Visioning Document/Comp plan
a. Broad community awareness
b. Focused group meetings

Projects for Review
1. Buildg-16-0157, 509 Double Hill Rd
2. Buildg-16-0194, 28 Montgomery Ln
3. Buildg-16-0201, McGee SFR
4. Buildg-16-0124 and 0127, revised Sunflower Properties site plan

County Council Update – Councilman Rick Hughes

Public Comment #2
