
Here’s a thought…

“The competition between Nature and the economy is deep and broad.
In the short term, the economy usually wins. In the long term …?”



Earthrise | Extreme Rain

February 14th, 2023|

||| EARTHRISE BY JAY KIMBALL ||| Buckets of rain  Buckets of tears Got all them buckets comin' out of my ears ~ Bob Dylan I woke up to the roar of extreme rain pelting the

February water supply outlook report for Washington

February 14th, 2023|

||| FROM NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE ||| After the very encouraging snowstorms in December, January flatlined, receiving only 63% of normal total mountain precipitation for the month. The state received several resuscitative events that represented

Tik-tok: It’s now time for a Ticks talk

February 9th, 2023|

||| FROM RUSSEL BARSH for KWIAHT ||| Warmer weather means that ticks will once again be questing for warm-blooded hosts including pets and people. Some islanders have already collected their first ticks of the new

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