— from the San Juan Islands Conservation District —

Saturday, May 30 on San Juan Island

Saturday, June 6 at the Eastsound Village Green, Orcas Island (more information to come!)

Join us Saturday May 30th for the second annual Energy Fair and Solar Home Tour. The Fair runs from 10 AM – 3 PM at the Mullis Center in Friday Harbor and the Solar Home Tour starts at 1:00 PM. Sign-ups are recommended – space is limited and this was a popular event last year.

The Energy Fair is a family-friendly event that has something for everyone, from giveaways and electric car rides for adults, to solar crafts and activities for kids. Highlights include a solar home tour, electric cars, and hands-on energy saving activities. Receive a free energy kit and learn how to track your energy use at home.


Have you wondered about solar electricity and how it might work on your home? Are you curious how much a solar electric system could save you on your electric bill? Here is a perfect opportunity to view three different San Juan Island homes and speak with homeowners about their experiences with their solar electric systems. Listen as each homeowner talks about their decision to invest in renewable energy and why they feel it was a good decision for their family. Share in open and insightful conversation around concerns for the environment, reducing your carbon footprint and energy efficiency measures.

Come on along and join us for this San Juan Island Solar Home Tour! Call the San Juan Islands Conservation District at 378-6621 or email energy@sjislandscd.org to reserve your spot today!

The Energy Fair and Solar Home Tour is brought to you by Islands Energy, a collaborative group of local citizens and organizations working together to increase energy efficiency and conservation and promote Community Solar. Islands Energy is led by the San Juan Islands Conservation District in partnership with OPALCO.