fr0m Karen Russel, Emmanuel Episcopal Parish

This summer Emmanuel Parish members are completing a series of surveys on the topics of “Where Have We Been?”, “Where Are We Now?” and “Where Are We Going?”  We are doing a bit of soul-searching.

Along with these in-house surveys, Emmanuel is interested in the island community’s perceptions of and experience with the church. We are interested in what you think!

Whether you have attended Emmanuel in the past… or merely regarded it as a “pretty white blur” on your way through town, your response is valuable as we seek to discern our future path. Your honest answers can help shape our understanding of how we can be the best neighbor we can be, as well as how we can offer meaningful service within the context of our greater community. If you’d like to weigh in, please visit Emmanuel’s website at and click on “Community Survey” at the top of any page.

 The survey is in both English and Spanish. This short survey is completely anonymous; no personal identifying information of any kind is collected.

Thank you for participating!