— from Debra Lekanoff —

The nation’s largest resource for women in politics – EMILY’s List – announced the endorsement of Debra Lekanoff as their candidate choice for Washington’s 40th District.

“From working as Swinomish Governmental Affairs Director to serving as chair of Alaska Native Village Corporation, Debra Lekanoff has dedicated her career to public service. She has been a leader on local, tribal, and federal issues affecting diverse communities and inspires others to engage and fight to protect Washington’s environment,” said Geri Prado, senior director of state and local campaigns at EMILY’s List. “We are excited to support Debra’s candidacy for the Washington House of Representatives.”

EMILY’s List, the nation’s largest resource for women in politics, has raised over $500 million to support pro-choice Democratic women candidates – making them one of the most successful political organizations ever. Since its founding in 1985, EMILY’s List has helped elect 116 women to the House, 23 to the Senate, 12 governors, and over 800 to state and local office. Forty percent of the candidates EMILY’s List has helped elect to Congress have been women of color.

“I have tears of gratitude from knowing millions of women today believe I am worthy to invest in and trust me to build the future for their children today and the children yet to come,” said Lekanoff. “I am honored and will carry this endorsement with pride!”

Debra is joined by seven women candidates endorsed by Emily’s List from across Washington currently running for seats in the Legislature including Lauren Davis (HD-32), Senator Manka Dhingra (SD-45), Representative Christine Kilduff (HD-28), Senator Patty Kuderer (SD-48), Emily Randall (SD-26), Representative, Kristine Reeves (HD-30), and Claire Wilson (SD-30).

“One thing is absolutely clear; Washington State women are not content to sit on the sidelines this election. They’re filing to run for office in record numbers we haven’t seen for generations, if ever. EMILY’s List is proud to endorse these eight pro-choice Democratic women leaders whose voices belong in Olympia shaping public policy to improve the lives of every Washington family.”

To learn more about EMILY’s List endorsement, read more HERE.

Debra is the progressive candidate running for the Washington State House of Representatives 40th District seat. Debra is a working mom and strategic leader who’s spent 20 years serving the 40th District, Washington State, and tribal communities both local and nationally by breaking down barriers and building a foundation of collaboration.

She is ready to roll up her sleeves and work with you on progressive ideas to build opportunities in education, workforce and economic development, environmental and natural resource protections, affordable housing, and healthcare. Taking a practical approach to current issues, she will continue to build partnerships, and protect the environment. She is asking to be your peer and your voice in Olympia to get the work done. Learn more: www.debralekanoff.com.