Drop-In Tuesday, September 6, 4 – 6 p.m., Orcas Elementary School

— from Cathy Ferran —

BackToSchoolAttention Orcas Island Elementary Parents, Grandparents, and Guardians: Did we mention lately how much we appreciate you? Your commitment to our school and children is nothing short of amazing!

In an effort to make your life easier, smooth the transition into the 2016-2017 school year, and ensure you have everything you need before school starts, we’re working with the PTSA to throw your family a party:

The 2016 Back to School Kickoff

Introduce your child to their teacher (we have several new teachers this year) and show your child how to get from the front door to their classroom.

  • Eliminate the ‘last minute paperwork scramble’ by completing Free/Reduced Lunch forms and anything you might have missed.
  • Get direct answers to your questions from teachers and administrators.
  • Drop off your child’s supplies so they don’t have to lug too much on the bus and to their classroom their first day.
  • Representatives from Orcas Island support organizations will be there

All while your child plays in the bounce house, eats delicious Camp Orkila hot doge, enjoys their last day of summer vacation and arrives at school fresh and excited to start a new year.

When: Drop-In on Tuesday, September 6, 2016 from 4-6 PM

Where: Main Courtyard in front of OLD GYM (Rain Plans: Cafeteria)

Food: Hot Dogs (vegetarian available), lemonade, cotton candy

Fun: Bounce House!!