— by Lin McNulty, Managing Editor —

If you are a paying subscriber, you know that you can count on your Orcas Issues Daily Digest to arrive every day around 5 p.m. It’s been that way for years. Until now…

Lately, that hasn’t been so dependable for some unknown reason. Well, at least unknown to me and the many help-line techies I have spoken to or chatted with in the last couple of weeks.

In addition to losing our former publisher, Margie Doyle (who is doing better, by the way, as she continues her recovery), we have also lost our web guru.

I can do a lot of what Margie used to do, and I can do a bit of what our webmaster did, but there are some limits and it seems I have found one of those limits in trying to resolve this newsletter debacle. So, if the terms RSS and CDN mean anything to you, if you are a code wonk really into importers and aggregators, and are willing to share some knowledge, email me directly at editor@orcaissues.com.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding as I look to one of our readers who might hold the secret code. Sigh…

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