— by Lin McNulty, Editor —

It’s a stunning late-July Monday morning with not a cloud in the sky and all the makings of an ideal day to, let’s say, sail to the San Juan Islands. East Sound has been dotted throughout the weekend with anchored pleasure craft and weekend mariners soaking up the island’s atmosphere from just off-shore.

In what may have been a weekend trip to die for up until this morning, one sailor encountered a problem. His anchor became lodged in who-knows-what just under the surface.

So it occurs to me that this is one area in which we could ease the tourist problems. Let’s pave the seafloor in Eastsound. It doesn’t have to all be done at once, but at least pave a parking (oops, mooring) area, you might say, where anchorage would be simplified.

We Orcasians are resourceful and talented. We have the brains and brawn right here in our own community to make this happen. I mean I just came up with this novel, stunning idea and I have no experience in any of the disciplines that would be required to pull this off. The wall that would need to be built in order to do the paving should be temporary, of course; we wouldn’t want to alter the natural seascape any more than necessary to the detriment of the tourism we promote. This project would allow us to maintain the ‘appearance’ of natural-ness, and continue to present to the world that we are open for business.

I know this can’t happen overnight, but I don’t know how long it will take our stranded sailor to free his craft. We may have to feed him until he can sail off under his own power. It’s the Orcas Island way.

The stranded sailor? He’s still there.

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