— by Margie Doyle —

What I Got:

  •  A reminder from Lin that a simple “click” can really help somebody else — no heroic gestures needed;
  • The first Christmas eggnog with whiskey, hot water and nutmeg, after a long drive from Anacortes;
  • Watching the final series of a TV drama until 2 in the morning with my “girls;”
  • The researched history of my grandfather’s rise and fall in the world of business between the ages of 27 – 33, his intelligence and arrogance, from my sister’s genealogical research;
  • My invalid brother’s name for his new, grouchy, roommate – “Cubby;” my brother’s nickname is “Grubby” and he loves to make up names and personalities for his small, bed-ridden world;
  • My daughter’s tone-setting comment, “This is it,” as the Christmas celebration with “the girls” settled into a simple salad and pasta meal at home, making Boxing Day crowns together.
  • Learning to use a glue gun – new technology!
  • A long conversation in the village store with my new neighbor and recognizing a “soul sister;”
  • Having a heart-to-heart talk with my sharp-tongued (funny), competitive (enthusiastic), controlling (caring, responsible) sister and realizing we share more than our history, how there are two sides to every quality, and that love is the solution;
  • Walking the long dock with my grandson on a sunshiny Christmas Day, joining him in “patting the sky into place” (exercises);
  • Letting my son cook the turkey and gravy – with oranges! — and having the best turkey dinner ever, well since Thanksgiving;
  • A walk out of the hot kitchen into the dark, holy night to see the stars.

What I Gave:

  • Time, sympathy and the suggestion of prayer for an incurable medical condition;
  • Solidarity with my brother on not being able to talk so we can be understood;
  • A trip down memory lane and favorite meals with a Dick’s cheeseburger and chocolate milk shake;
  • A walk with my daughter through the neighborhood to see the fantastic duck display of “12 Days of Christmas,” and a “Gift of the Magi” solution to one of her challenges;
  • Getting the tablecloth, wine glasses, silverware, candles, golden fruitcake, plum pudding (too bad I spilled the brandy to ignite it before serving)  and Christmas crackers to add to the good food and drink at the Christmas table;
  • Holding down the dishwashing line in a little kitchen with no dishwasher, as the cooking shifts continually rotated in and out;
  • The gift of peace — no drama — as ferries were missed, cars broke down, plans changed;
  • A walk out of the hot kitchen into the dark, holy night to see the stars.