By Sarah Crosby

The county League of Women Voters held a meeting devoted to taxes on September 12 at the Library in Friday Harbor, entitled “The Truth about Taxes: What Choices do We Have?”

The speaker was Ed Dolan, a resident of Lopez Island. Dr Dolan is an economist, educator and blogger about economics at

The purpose of the meeting, in keeping with the Washington Leagueʼs Civic Engagement Project, was to give those who attended unbiased information about the countryʼs fiscal status and some possible remedies for the situation we find ourselves in. He spoke for about 35 minutes and then opened the meeting to questions from the audience.

There were many, about a wide range of subjects. For those wishing to see the program in its entirety, a DVD will be available soon at each of the County libraries.

All League membership meetings that pertain to topics of public interest are filmed, placed on DVDs, and added to island library collections. A link to the power point presentation portion of the meeting is available on Dr Dolanʼs blog.

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