As part of their Business Education Series, the San Juan County Economic Development Council will present a course entitled Customer Service 101.

In this two-hour workshop, participants will learn easy and effective ways to get customers to come back to their retail or service establishments – again and again.  The course will also cover techniques and tools from CRM – customer relationship management, and CEM – customer experience management.

The workshop will be held on Tuesday, September 21, from 9-10:30 a.m., in the community room of Skagit Valley College, at their campus at 221 Weber Way, Friday Harbor.

The cost of the workshop is $10 to cover course materials.  Advance registration is required – please call 378-2906 or email  More information is available at:

The San Juan County Economic Development Council’s Business Education Series was created by the EDC in response to concerns from local business owners and overall increased demand from new businesses.  This series will present a variety of business topics designed for both those opening a new business or those wanting to take their business to the next level.

The San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) strives to strengthen and diversify the economy of San Juan County.  We believe a strong economy builds a strong community.   The EDC works to build an environment that helps business owners create jobs.  We serve business:  linking organizations and resources, providing valuable information, rendering assistance and advocating for an improved island business environment.

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