— from Paul Kamin for Eastsound Water —

In response to the COVID 19 virus and its impact on our
community, Eastsound Water has developed several initiatives
to help support our members and customers, while anticipating the financial impacts on the water system.

Eastsound Water has created a Service Fee Deferral Program to allow members to defer up to three months of service fees, postponing repayment until 2021 when installment payments will be added to your regular bills throughout next year. This is not a forgiveness of service fees. It delays your obligation during the current COVID emergency, with no interest, late fees or penalties for the remainder of 2020. This program is being offered on the honor system.

Eastsound Water hopes that members who can pay their bill, will pay their bill. The program is intended to help those who are experiencing hardship. This is very much like a short-term loan to postpone three months of service fees till 2021.

Eastsound Water has also funding a separate $15,000 Financial Assistance program available for both residential and commercial water users. This program will award a credit to partially cover upcoming service fees. The Orcas Community Resource Center has agreed to work with Eastsound Water to manage the program for RESIDENTIAL water users. You may apply when you have a current water bill in hand, starting with bills issued in April. A portion of these funds has been reserved for the accounts billed April, May and June, so everyone will have an equal opportunity to apply for these funds. The Resource Center will use their standard “new client
intake form” as an application. This form can be found at the bottom of the front page of their website. You can also contact the Orcas Community Resource Center by emailing holly@orcascrc.org or leave a message at 360-376-3184.

COMMERCIAL water users also have access to Eastsound Water’s Financial Assistance Program but will make application directly to Eastsound Water not the Community Resource Center. Commercial Users can email your request for an application to assistance@eastsoundwater.org. Commercial Applications will be accepted through April 24. Commercial Account Credits that are awarded will be spread over the April, May and June water

You can learn more about these programs at NEWS section of the Eastsound Water website.

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