Thursday, May 5 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall

On the agenda for the monthly meeting of the Eastsound Planning Review Committee (EPRC) are:

Main Topic #1 (30 Minutes)
Update on Eastsound Subarea Plan & County Comprehensive Plan – Colin Maycock
• Council’s final changes to Subarea Plan at adoption – notes
• Comprehensive Plan & timing for Subarea Plan updates

Main Topic #2 (30 Minutes)
County Public Works Update update – Colin Huntemer
• Prune Alley project
• Library Streetscape & Rose Street property sidewalks
• Rose Street/Crescent Beach Roads

Old Business
1. Eastsound Visioning Project Status – Bob Maynard & Jim Jonassen
2. Response from Port District on meeting – Greg Ayers
3. Crescent Beach/Rose Street Community Discussion – Fred Klein/Jeff Otis
4. Lighting Project Update – Dan Vekved

New Business
1. 18 Urner Street Lot – Liz LeRoy
2. Architectural Design Review – Bob Maynard

County Council Update – Councilman Rick Hughes

Projects for Review
1. Building-16-0056 – Orcas Island Library Expansion
2. Building-16-0052 – 105 Echo Bay Drive
3. Building-16-0065 – 131 Crescent Beach Road
4. PSEPA0-16-0005 – Prune Alley, DeMeritt

There will be two opportunities for public comment, at the beginning and near the close of the meeting. EPRC members are:

Greg Ayers, Co-Chair
Clyde Duke, Co-Chair
Martha Fuller
Fred Klein
Bob Maynard
Jeff Otis
Dan Vekved