— from the Eastsound Planning and Review Committee —

The Eastsound Planning and Review Committee is scheduled to meet on Thursday, Feb. 6 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall

The agenda calls for:

  • Election of Chair and Vice Chair
  • Sub Area Plan Update – Colin Maycock
  • Clarification of scope of Retail in Service Light Industrial
  • Inclusion of Trails from Pathways and Parks Report
  • Kiosk descriptions and regulations
  • Project Pre-Review Deer Harbor Charters Kiosk
  • Project Review: Buildg-14-0010 Trunkey
  • Report from Eastsound Design Review Committee
    Report from County Councilman Rick Hughes

There will be time dedicated to public comment at 3:15 and at 4:50 p.m.
The public is welcome to attend meetings of the EPRC County Advisory Committee.