September 15,from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall

— from Colin Maycock for the EPRC —

The agenda for the Eastsound Planning Review Committee (EPRC), a county advisory body includes:

Public Comment period

County Council Update – Councilman Rick Hughes

Main Topics:
1. Street frontage improvement designs for Village Residential/Commercial, (Colin Huntemer-Erika Shook).
Goal- To gauge the level of community support for proposed low impact frontage improvements in the Village Residential/Institutional district.

2. Vision for Eastsound: Collaborative town hall meeting October 13:
a. Notices;
b. Materials, displays and exhibits; and
c. Logistics (Who? What? When? Where? How?)
Goal- Identify the responsibility for preparatory tasks.

New Business:
1. Introducing a new process for the electronic distribution of Permits.
2. Restroom at the Waterfront Park: Need analysis.

Old Business:
1. Prune Alley update – Colin Huntemer
2. Parking plan: Paul Kamin’s document on valuations; inclusion in Eastsound Subarea Plan – Martha Fuller
3. Eastsound Design Review Committee: Appeals process

Projects for Review:
Building 16-0216 Landmark Inn decks.
Building 16-0222 Pine Street Multi-unit

Public Comment #2