The Eastsound Planning Review Committee(EPRC), a county advisory group that reviews building projects and development in Eastsound, will hold its regular monthly meeting today from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall.

On the agenda are the final draft of the Sub-area Plan Update and a discussion of kiosk and mobile business regulations.

The Sub-area Plan Update is long (20+ year) overdue and is scheduled to go before the County Council for discussion and approval in the next few months. Colin Maycock, County Senior Planner, has been working with the EPRC for over five years on this regulatory document.

Also on the agenda are updates on stormwater plans, including County Preservation District funding for raingardens and “living” roofs.

The county’s six-year Transportation Improvement Plan, and a review of the Orcas Island School District Middle School project are scheduled for EPRC consideration.

County Council Member Rick Hughes is scheduled to give an update on County council news.

The public is welcome to attend and there will be opportunity for public input at 3:15 p.m.