— from San Juan County Communications —

The second drafts of the Capital Facilities and Utilities inventories are available for public review and comment.  These inventories provide the benchmarks for future analysis of the adequacy of the County’s capital infrastructure and utilities through the year 2036. The SJC Planning Commission will be briefed on these draft inventories on Friday, October 18, 2019 and County Council will be briefed on Monday, October 21, 2019.

  • Capital facilities Inventory:


  • Utilities Inventory:


Comments are requested by November 1, 2019. Please include:

  • Your full contact information for the record;
  • A subject line: RE: Capital Facilities or Utilities from your last name or agency name;
  • References to the document, page and line number related to your comment.  Specific comments with alternative language are most helpful.

Via Email to compplancomments@sanjuanco.com .

Via Postal Service: to Sophia Cassam, Planner I, Department of Community Development, PO Box 947 Friday Harbor, WA 98250

Drop off at the DCD office at 135 Rhone Street, Friday Harbor during business hours.