San Juan County’s Public Works Department is seeking to address sight lines, flooding, and congestion with the Douglas/Bailer Hill Road Improvements Project, slated to begin construction in early April. The 1.3-mile project is anticipated to last through September of 2025.

In December, the County posted information about the preliminary scope, timeline, and accommodations for the project. Bids were opened at the end of January and the contract was eventually awarded to Tiger Construction from Everson, WA. Local company Smugglers Cove Flagging will serve as a sub-contractor on the project and manage traffic control.  

The existing road will remain open to through traffic and the project is not anticipating a full closure or detour. During working hours, flaggers will manage single-lane access as needed and reopen the road fully during evenings and weekends. The project team is coordinating with the school district, first responders, and other partners to provide project details and ensure continuation of services.  

“We’ve been thoughtful and strategic in designing the project to limit the impact on the landscape by making special accommodations for trees and creeks, and on travelers by maintaining through traffic,” said Project Manager and Deputy Public Works Director Jeff Sharp. “We’re proud of this project because it not only provides safety improvements for those in the Oaks, but also for drivers who share the road with cyclists.” 

Douglas Bailer Hill Project Map

Project Details

The project, funded by the County Road Administration Board (CRAB) and the SJC Roads Fund, seeks to:

  • Eliminate horizontal and vertical sight distance issues by smoothing peaks and valleys
  • Add paved, four-foot shoulders on both sides of the road along the length of the project to provide safety accommodations for bicycle and pedestrian traffic
  • Construct a ‘Radial-T’ intersection leading to the Oaks housing development, eliminating the two existing ‘dog legs’ at the intersection that create sight line issues  
  • Raise the elevation of Bailer Hill Rd to minimize seasonal flooding
  • Improve roadway drainage with wider ditches and upsized driveway culverts for adjacent homes
  • Improve stormwater quality by adding vegetated filter strips along roadway edges

Project Timeline:

  • 2017: The project was placed on the County’s Transportation Improvement Program  
    1. Understanding the need to address safety and flooding concerns, this project was added to the TIP in 2017. In 2018, a CRAB grant was allocated to the project and amended in 2021 to provide additional funding.  
  • 2023-Current: Conduct outreach with project neighbors 
    1. During the project scoping phase, Public Works staff contacted and met with numerous property owners along Douglas and Bailer Hill Roads to talk through the project, acquire easements, and provide compensation for construction impacts.  
  • December 2024: Receive remaining permits; advertise for bid
  • January/February 2025: Bid opening; award contract
    1. Public Works was able to move the project forward based on the bids received.
  • April 2025: Begin construction 
    1. The project team will prioritize keeping the road open when it is safe to do so. Flaggers will be stationed at either end of the project site to manage single lane access as needed.
    2. Drivers will be encouraged to use alternate routes to access the west side of the island and avoid the project site when possible.
    3. Ingress/egress will always be allowed to those who live within the project limits.
  • September/October 2025: Complete construction
    1. The project is anticipated to conclude in the fall of 2025.  

Project Accommodations

This project does not require the removal of any trees outside of the right-of-way, though the County will hire an arborist to evaluate the health and survivability of trees impacted by excavation within the right-of-way. For safety and maintenance reasons, tree limbs hanging over the roadway will be removed.  

In designing the project, Public Works staff made specific accommodations for two Garry Oak trees close to the edge of the road, including culverts for drainage in lieu of a ditch to minimize excavation, and eliminating the ‘filter strip’ detail to shrink the excavation footprint around the trees. Design accommodations were also made to limit impacts to False Bay Creek.

The Public Works Department will continue to provide updates as the project moves forward. All related materials can be found on the County’s website: https://www.sanjuancountywa.gov/278/Current-Projects  

Contact: Jeff Sharp, Deputy Public Works Director, jeffs@sanjuancountywa.gov

About San Juan County’s Public Works Department    

San Juan County’s Public Works Department constructs and maintains county roads. The department offices are located at 1609 Beaverton Valley Rd, Friday Harbor, WA 98250. For more information about San Juan County’s Public Works Department, visit www.sanjuancountywa.gov/277/Public-Works .


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