— from San Juan County Deputy Sheriff’s Guild —

Scott Johanson, In service 07/26/1984, out of service 09/01/2014

Scott Johanson, In service 07/26/1984, out of service 09/01/2014

On July 26th 1984 the San Juan County Sheriff’s Office grew by one. Sheriff Ray Sheffer hired Scott Johanson as a temporary deputy. After working a variety of odd
jobs from California to Washington, Scott settled down in Friday Harbor.

For the next 30 years he would be a fixture in our communities. Everyone has a “Scott” story and
they all end with an air of respect and admiration. The number of lives you have affected with your stern lectures, your finger wagging, or the contacts you have made are impossible to calculate. Your heart is bigger than you are. The vast knowledge of the community that you take with you will be impossible to replace.

Scott truly did it for the community and those of us in it. For that, we his fellow Guild members, want to say “Thank You” for everything you have done for this county. It has been an honor working with you and calling you brother, co-worker, and family.

You will be missed.

On behalf of the San Juan County Deputy Sheriffs Guild which represents the
Deputies, the Detectives, the professional Dispatchers and Corrections staff.