— from Washington House Democrats —

Democrats and Republicans have endorsed competing plans to fund education and satisfy the state Supreme Court’s McCleary decision. Both sides agree additional revenue sources are needed to meet the state’s obligations.

But the two plans vary greatly in the total amount of new investments going to schools and impacts on taxpayers.

Statewide, the Democratic plan would invest $8.5 billion additional state & local dollars into K-12 schools over the next four years. By comparison, the Republican plan would only invest $4.5 billion over the same time according to House nonpartisan committee staff analysis.

On the tax side of the debate, Senate Republicans are erroneously claiming 83 percent of taxpayers will see a tax cut under their plan.

This claim has been debunked by nonpartisan committee staff. You can check out the Top 5 Debunked Senate Republican Budget Myths here.

How will the two plans impact your community? Clicking on the Google Map reveals the following for Orcas Island School District:


City: Eastsound, Wa
Republican plan: NET increase in funding per student, SY 2020-21: $2,686
Democratic plan: NET increase in funding per student, SY 2020-21: $2,721

Republican NET property tax increase (full implementation: 2021): $3,495,068
Democratic NET property tax increase (full implementation: 2021): $849,387

Democratic plan nearly double $ the funding for schools.: Senate Republicans are claiming their plan spends more on schools, a claim that is only true if you just look at STATE dollars. The real apples-to-apples comparison is to look at both STATE AND LOCAL dollars. By that measure, the Democratic plan is FAR better for kids.

DEM: Total statewide funding increase over 4 years: $8.5 billion
REP: Total statewide funding increase over 4 years: $4.5 billion

Difference (more funding under House Democratic plan): $4 billion ($3,635 per student)
Nonpartisan source:: https://fiscal.wa.gov/DistrictCompare03312017.xlsm

Google map: HDC vs. SRC Education Funding Plans

Which plan do you like better?: Contact your lawmakers here to voice your preference: https://app.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/