Wednesday, July 10, 4 – 5:30 p.m., Deer Harbor Fire Station

— from Sheila Gaquin for Deer Harbor Plan Review Committee —

The Deer Harbor Plan Review Committee will meet on Wednesday, July 10, from 4 – 5:30 p.m. at the Deer Harbor Fire Station.

Chair: Call to Order, establish a quorum, approval of the minutes from June 12, 2019.

Chair: Recognize public attendees. Members of the public are invited to participate in committee discussions. Chair will recognize speakers.

Old Business/Committee Updates

  1. Vacation Rental letter, response from the county, if any.–AnneMarie
  2. Upper Deer Harbor Road progress, SEPA and permit progress, Rick
  3. Survey results for pedestrians using the pathways, update —AnneMarie & Sheila
  4. Discuss moving term expiration dates from May until December.
  5. Parking on the pathway near the Deer Harbor Marina
  6. Deer Harbor to West Sound pathway survey. — Wes, AnneMarie, Barry
  7. Review and approve application for Lodging Tax Grant. — AnneMarie & Sheila

New Business

  1. Form a subcommittee to study pathway plan from Deer Harbor to West Sound—Wes

Public Comment
