. . . I am getting better and better.

Another week of almost all good news. Definitely getting stronger, and have been able to work longer and more effectively. Only thing I haven’t seen is weight gain. This stuff I’m getting through the tube makes me nauseous when I overdo it, so we have to keep cutting back.

However, might not matter much more because as of three days ago the tumor has shrunk enough to let liquids down. That first glass of water was so appreciated. And since then, various teas, a lot of lemon water, spirulina, coconut, and just moments ago, an awesome glass of carrot juice.

My poor stomach, basically empty and inert for two months, wondering wtf?, is now gurgling away, apparently pleased with what we’re sending down and happy to be back at work.

So, it’s all good.

Thanks so much for all the comments and the emails and, especially, for caring. It has made such a difference.

blessings, Michael

ps – click to read my first post, which explains my situation