||| from Tanja Williamson for San Juan County Land Bank |||

Work is underway at Fowler’s Pond Preserve to repair the existing fencing along Orcas Road. The fence is old and has been damaged repeatedly by roadside mowing, and the Land Bank has received calls from concerned residents regarding public safety around the pond and dam. Fowler’s Pond Preserve is closed to public access except by written permission.

The timing of this long-planned maintenance work was intended to minimize impacts to nesting birds in the hedgerow, which was mowed to allow for the removal and replacement of fence posts and wire. Invasive hawthorns, roses and blackberry were removed mechanically during this process. The regrowth of snowberry and other native shrubs will be encouraged as part of a general effort to enhance the habitat value of field hedgerows on Land Bank preserves. Wildlife friendly barbless top wires will replace barbed wire and additional flowering plants will be installed this winter to support native pollinators.

A portion of the fence will be shifted inward (out of the roadside ditch) to allow adequate room for roadside mowing.

For additional information, please contact Peter Guillozet, Orcas Preserve Steward, at 360-298-0052 or peterg@sjclandbank.org.