Orcas Beloved White Bear Appears But Once a Year

It was a gorgeous crystal clear and icy cold first morning of the New Year. Orcas beloved white bear made his once a year appearance. He called the faithful to once more leap into the cold waters of Cascade Lake. The bright sun warmed the people as they chatted with friends and neighbors and anticipated the imminent plunge. The sun’s rays didn’t reach far into the chill waters. Their wan power no match for the cold mass of the water. On the rallying cry from the great white bear the people charged headlong into the lake. Some were dressed in small bikinis, some in full pants and shirts, others in fancy dress and many varieties besides. Most charged headlong, shouting, crying and screaming with shock and joy. A few brave souls dived deep under the water. Yet others walked serenely into the chill as though it were a quiet sunny stroll, denying the honest cold and making their own reality.

Whatever their style all  returned to the world more alive and happy with the New Year.

The affair is a fond gift to Orcas Island from the Orcas Island Rowing Club: www.orcasislandrowing.org.

Plungers plunging

Plunging view from the water

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