Dr. Andrew Wilder, to speak on the relationship between financial aid , state-building and government stabilization, particularly as it relates to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Dr. Andrew Wilder presents a Crossroads lecture this Sunday, May 22, at 2 pm at the Orcas Center.  The topic is Afghanistan: Understanding the Relationship between Aid and Security. Dr. Wilder discusses his research exploring issues relating to state-building, reconstruction and stabilization efforts in Afghanistan, followed by a question and answer period and a public reception with the audience.

As a prominent expert on Afghanistan and Pakistan, Dr. Wilder is eager to interact with the audience, and expects to address questions such as:

  • How do the US covert and overt policies compare?
  • What are the connections and comparisons between Al Qaida and the Taliban?
  • How could the recent announcement of the death of Osama bin Laden affect further U.S. involvement?

Dr. Wilder joined the United States Institute of Peace in August 2010 as the Director of Afghanistan and Pakistan Programs.  Prior to joining the Institute, Dr. Wilder served as research director for Politics and Policy at the Feinstein International Center at Tufts University.  From 2002 to 2005 Dr. Wilder served as founder and director of Afghanistan’s first independent policy research institution, the Kabul-based Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit.  This was preceded by more than 10 years managing humanitarian and development programs in Pakistan and Afghanistan, including serving as the director of the Pakistan/Afghanistan program of Save the Children, as well as holding positions with the International Rescue Committee and Mercy Corps International.

Further information about Dr. Wilder and his work is available at www.orcascrossroads.org.

Tickets to the lecture are available at the Orcas Island Library and Darvill’s Bookstore, and at the door.  For those who could not otherwise attend, complimentary tickets are available in advance through the Library and Senior Center.

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