By Stan Matthews
County Communications Program Manager

San Juan County is currently reviewing and updating regulations for Critical Areas. These areas include wetlands and fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas, as well as areas that are geologically hazardous or subject to frequent flooding.

Public meetings are scheduled to discuss the following issues related to this update:

• Non-conforming Uses & Structures (Randall Gaylord, Prosecuting Attorney)

• Reasonable Use Exceptions (Jon Cain, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney)

• Buffer Alternatives in Unincorporated Urban Growth Areas (Shireene Hale, Planning Coordinator)

After the meetings handouts will be posted at and comments and questions may be submitted via e-mail to

Last week a meeting was held on San Juan Island. This Wednesday, Sept. 22, a meeting will be held on Orcas Island at the Senior Center from 4 to 6 p.m.

A meeting will be held on Lopez Island on Thursday, Sept. 23 from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Community Center.