Thursday, October 19, 6 p.m., West Sound Community Hall

— from Burke Thomas, Yacht Club Vice Commodore —

The Annual Crab Feed dinner and costume party is coming up fast. Thursday October 19, 6 p.m. at the West Sound Community Hall. Tickets are $25 whole crab and $17 half crab. Make your reservations NOW, by sending your checks to OIYC PO Box 686 Eastsound, WA 98245, no later than October 13.

The menu will be crab, cornbread, and salad with key lime pie for dessert, BYOB and place settings. Costumes are optional but in keeping with Commodore’s Cupcakes spirit they are highly encouraged.

Look forward to seeing you all there; please feel free to contact me at 360 317 6427 with any questions.