— from ​Adam Zack, Planner III, Department of San Juan Community Development —

​The varied perspectives from the Comp Plan workshops [held between September and November 2018] at Lopez, Orcas, San Juan, Shaw and Waldron island communities and what is important to you about the future will be helpful as [San Juan County] begins drafting proposed changes to the goals and policies that will guide the County through the year 2036. 

The staff report is available here: https://www.sanjuanco.com/DocumentCenter/View/18020/2019-01-31_DCD_Zack_Wksp_Rep_PC_02-15-2019  

The workshop results will be presented to the Planning Commission at their meeting at 9:00 am on Friday February 15, 2019.  This meeting will be live-streamed:  https://www.sanjuanco.com/971/Planning-Commission-Meeting-Video.

Public outreach will continue through 2019 as we complete the technical appendices and begin to update the goals and policies. There will be multiple opportunities to comment on draft plan components such as land use, land capacity, natural resource land, housing, transportation, economic development, and water resources. 

For notifications about the Comprehensive Plan update, please sign up on the Comprehensive Plan update mailing list at https://www.sanjuanco.com/list.aspx More information about the Comprehensive Plan update, including staff reports, can be found on the project website at https://www.sanjuanco.com/1306/Comprehensive-Plan-Elements

For record keeping purposes, please send comments to compplancomments@sanjuanco.com

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