By Stan Matthews County Communications Program Manager

San Juan County Parks, Public Works, and the Land Bank are partnering with The Trust for Public Land to craft a new plan for the parks, trails, and natural areas of San Juan County. The plan will update the 2005-2010 San Juan County Parks, Recreation, and Preserved Lands Plan and provide a fresh look at community needs and priorities. Most importantly, the plan will provide a road map to guide action and investment for the three county departments over the next six years.

“This process gives our organizations a chance to coordinate our resources and build on each others’ strengths,” said Parks Director Dona Wuthnow. She added that projects included in the plan will qualify for public and private grants and other additional sources of funding.

Implementation of the 2005-2010 plan has resulted in the opening of more areas for public access, acquiring more land for public use, completing trail projects, and improving facilities such as Orcas Landing. With the community’s guidance, the new plan will direct the three county departments to focus on projects and programs that respond to community demand and priorities.

The Community’s involvement in creating the plan will begin in early November with open houses scheduled for each of the ferry-served islands:

•           Thursday, November 5, 4:00 – 6:30 p.m.

Orcas Island, Orcas Island Senior Center, 62 Henry Road, Eastsound

•           Friday, November 6, 4:00 – 6:30 p.m.

Lopez Island, Senior Center at Woodmen Hall, 4102 Fisherman Bay Road

•           Saturday, November 7, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Shaw Island, Shaw Community Building

•           Tuesday, November 10, 3:00 – 6:00 p.m.

San Juan Island, Mullis Senior Center, 589 Nash Street, Friday Harbor

Land Bank Director Lincoln Bormann urges everyone to get involved. “This is the public’s opportunity to spell out what they want in the future, he said. “With so many difficulties facing all of us in the short term, this is a positive thing – an opportunity to sit down with us and say what they want to happen over time.”

Planners will also be gathering public input with a survey, which will be mailed to a random selection of county residents in early November.

Updates on the plan’s progress will be posted regularly online at: and on the County’s website.