Friday, June 15, 8:15 a.m., Eastsound Fire Station

— from Tanja Williamson for San Juan County Land Bank —

San Juan County Land Bank Commission will be holding their next meeting on Orcas on Friday, June 15, at 8:15 a.m. in the Eastsound Fire Station. The scheduled agenda is as follows:

8:15 am Convene
8:20 Approve May 25, 2018 Meeting Minutes
8:30 Chair and Commissioners’ Reports–
8:45 Public Comment -General
9:00 Green Burial Proposal – Didier Gincig & John Clancey

9:15 Housing REET – Lisa Byers

9:30 Director’s Report – Conservation Projects

• Orcas
◦ Mt. Baker Farm CE
• Lopez
◦ Spencer Spit Addition
◦ Lopez Hill
• San Juan
◦ Cady Mtn LLC
◦ Zylstra Lake

Director’s Report – Update on Grant payout Director’s Report – Judd Cove oil spill update

10:10 Break

10:15 Stewardship Report

• Coffelt farm -Discussion

11:15 Outreach & Volunteer Report

◦ Events
◦ Realtor Brochure

11:30 Agenda items for July 20, 2018 Land Bank Commission meeting

11:35 Adjourn

The Land Bank Commission may add or delete agenda items and projects for discussion. The agenda order is subject to change. You are invited to call the Land Bank office at 360-378-4402 for more details prior to the meeting.

Here’s a link to past agendas and minutes: