David Turnoy
Chair, San Juan County Democrats
PO Box 95
Eastsound, WA 98245

Oct. 20, 2017

Dear (Senator Murray, Senator Cantwell, Congressman Larsen, or Party Chair Podlodowski):

We hope this letter finds you well and busily engaged, as always, in the successful conduct of the people’s business. The San Juan County Democratic Party met on October 14, 2017, and conducted a vigorous discussion regarding the right of all Americans to adequate health care. Upon conclusion of that discussion, the Party voted, without dissent, to adopt the enclosed resolution “A Resolution in Support of S1804” (The Medicare for All Act of 2017) and HR676 (The Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act).

Please know that the principles of universal health care, a single-payer system, and health care as a basic human right are of vital importance to us. While we appreciate your efforts to preserve and improve the Affordable Care Act, that is merely the short-term solution. The long-term solution is a single-payer system of universal health care.

We trust that you will consider the requests contained in the Resolution carefully. The entire San Juan County Democratic Party awaits your response.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.


David Turnoy
Chair of the San Juan County Democratic Party