Saturday Aug. 11 at 2 p.m. at Enzo’s

— by Margie Doyle —

San Juan County Councilman Rick Hughes, who lives on Orcas Island, will be at Enzo’s again on Saturday, Aug. 11 at 2 p.m. to talk with anyone who’d like to speak directly with him.

When Rick Hughes first became County Councilman, he held office hours every Friday at the Senior Center for people to drop in and talk to him. But that rarely happened. Now Rick is continuing to meet monthly on a casual basis with anyone who wants to talk to him. Rick also plans a Town Hall meeting later this month.

Some of the concerns coming up before the Council are the Shoreline Master Plan revisions; the County Comprehensive Plan (changes to the County laws); the Port Master Plan (Hughes serves on the Master Plan Advisory Committee, as a liaison to the County); vacation rentals; and islands’ infrastructure and the capacity to deal with growth.


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