Approved by voters in November 2018, the San Juan County Home Fund is projected to generate $15.2 million over a 12‐year period to develop, produce, and/or preserve affordable housing in San Juan County. The Home Fund will be used exclusively for the development of affordable housing including acquisition, building, rehabilitation, and maintenance of housing for very low, low, and moderate-income persons and those with special needs.

Enabled by RCW 82.46.075, the Home Fund is managed by San Juan County Health & Community Services with oversight from the Housing Advisory Committee and the County Council. For more information about Affordable Housing programs administered by Health & Community Services, see Affordable Housing. All Home Fund revenues shall be disbursed through a competitive grant and loan process to eligible recipients as defined in RCW 82.46.075.

For more information on the Home Fund, please review the adopted Administrative and Financial plan which includes policies governing administration of Home Fund programs, San Juan County’s adopted Affordable Housing Strategic Action Plan, and the Home Fund Frequently Asked Questions document linked below:

Resolution 25-2018 Adopting an Expenditure Plan for a Real Estate Excise Tax for Affordable Housing

San Juan County Affordable Housing Strategic Action Plan

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) San Juan County 2018 Home Fund

(News Article) $1.7 Million from affordable housing REET awarded to 5 projects in 2020

This webpage will be a hub for all relevant Home Fund materials including applications, NOFA’s, FAQ’s, etc. If you are interested in applying for Home Fund grants or loans, please check this page for updates throughout the year.