San Juan County Sheriff’s Office Sergeant Steve Vierthaler reported to the Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce:

In the past week we have gotten a fake $50 bill at a local merchant. It was done by the forger “washing” a 5 dollar bill until it was a blank piece of paper then printing the $50 dollar bill onto it. Hard to spot if you don’t look carefully, and the counterfeit pens you can buy will show it as “good” since it is the real paper used to print bills on. We suspect this will increase as the holidays approach and the economy continues to struggle.

The San Juan Co. Sheriffs Office would urge all business owners to be aware and closely inspect the bills, especially the larger denominations, as they come through. If they suspect the bill is a counterfeit, they should hold onto it and call us immediately. If possible, get any information they can on the person who tendered it to them, including vehicle license numbers if possible to assist in any investigation. Thanks, hope this can help cut any losses.”