Tuesday, February 25, 2014

— from Ingrid Gabriel —

All matters listed with the Consent Agenda have been distributed to each Council Member for reading and study, are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion of the Council with no separate discussion. If separate discussion is desired, that item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on the Discussion Agenda by request of a Council Member.


A. Budget Items:

The Auditor’s office requests approval for the following warrants issued the week of February 3, 2014:

  • Warrant #136524 – 136576 county claims in the amount of $19,849.04
  • Warrant #136577 – 136602 Public Works claims in the amount of $25,734.27

The Auditor’s office requests approval for the following warrants issued the week of February 10, 2014:

  • Warrant #136663 – 136666 Veteran’s Assistance claims in the amount of $6,865.24
  • EFT# 02122014 Public Works EFT in the amount of $2,147.25
  • EFT #021220142 Parks EFT in the amount of $1,399.22
  • Warrant #136838 – 136931 County claims in the amount of $135,857.22
  • Warrant #136932 – 136973 Public Works claims in the amount of $58,085.34

B. Correspondence:

  • Letter of thanks to Catholic Archdiocese of Seattle for easement donation
  • Letter of thanks to John Mount for easement donation