— from San Juan County Council —

A day that will never be forgotten. A day that changed all of our lives.

We, in San Juan County, were far removed from the destruction and death that rained down on the people of New York, the Pentagon, and Flight 93.

We watched in horror as the events played out on National Television.We saw the brave First Responders rushing into burning buildings trying to save lives. So many of whom lost their own lives in the service of others.

9/11 proved to be the deadliest incident for fire fighters in US history. We witnessed the courageous actions of the determined souls aboard Flight 93 who brought the hijackers down, and the compassion the people at the Pentagon demonstrated helping each other find a route out of the chaos.

We will never forget the eerie silence that came over our town and county when all planes were ordered from the sky following the attacks. Yes, we were probably safe out here in our own world, but it sure didn’t feel safe.

We all called our families and held each other tight. Our world was upside down. People right here in our own community lost friends and family.

Along with the rest of the country, our community continues to heal, but we will never forget.

And so, today, we pay tribute once again, to all those souls lost to their families and communities, and to those who responded so gallantly. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you all.