— by Cara Russell with Marian O’Brien —

FoodCoopThe Orcas Island Food Co-op opened Sunday morning, June 1, in Eastsound Village as Learner Limbach announced: “With these scissors, I hereby declare the Orcas Food Coop officially open for business!” Wearing long lime-green aprons, the staff of the Co-op had big grins and busy hands as they dashed about, answering questions, giving away delicious samples, and accepting accolades and pats on the back for the long-anticipated arrival of Orcas Island’s first Co-op.

There was one prominent face missing at the grand opening; Ken Katz couldn’t be there, as he had a rafting trip that was long ago planned. So, the Co-op team created a life sized ‘Ken Doll’ so he could be there in spirit.

Outside the new store, live fiddle and guitar music under the blooming dogwood was reminiscent of a good old-fashioned barn raising, which is exactly how this Coop has come to be. “I’m very proud of my little brother,” said Lucas Limbach, who had brought his young family to the opening celebration.

Before 1 p.m., nearly 60 people had signed up to become Co-op members. It is the Co-op’s goal to see over 700 members, and at 640, they are not far from reaching that number.

FoodCoop2“It’s an idea whose time has come,” said Learner Limbach. “Hundreds of people contributed in all kinds of ways to make this possible.”

The Orcas Co-op carries local products that you cannot find elsewhere on the island, such as Barn Owl Bakery breads from Lopez Island. “This is the first time Barn Owl Bakery has sold their bread on Orcas Island, and you won’t find their products for sale anywhere else on Orcas,” said Limbach.

“The community made this happen,” said John Wolfson, Orcas Food Co-op Board Member. “We are proud of the community involvement,” added Madden Surbaugh.

If you would like to become a Co-op member, visit the Orcas Co-op’s web page, or visit the store and find out about the perfect payment plan for your finances.