BullWings: Orcas Issues exists to inform and serve the general public – you! – so that we can come together to help each other out, to celebrate our achievements and to discuss respectfully matters of mutual concern.

As we begin our third year, BullWings: Orcas Issues has reaped the benefits of our many readers, content contributors, community journalists, and “Marketplace” participants. We have also been able to continue thanks to the thoughtful support of financial donors or “Sustainers” who underwrite the costs of providing this daily news service.

Thanks to you, we are able to devote ourselves to providing Orcas news, views and issues without spending the time and effort in pursuing advertising revenue or in writing grant funding applications.

At this time, we would like to invite all our readers who value the service of online community journalism to help sustain BullWings: Orcas Issues. We believe that the community values this service and that regular contributions from our readers will sustain the online publication of this news service.

Please send a check to Port Gamble Publishing, PO Box 582, Eastsound WA 98245 or click here to consider online donations.

Thank you for your consideration of the part you may play in sustaining the community services of BullWings: Orcas Issues!


Margie Doyle
BullWings: Orcas Issues Publisher
Port Gamble Publishing