— from the Citizens of the Ebey Reserve [Whidbey Island] —

Congressman Rick Larsen, who boasts of his role in bringing controversial ‘Growler’ Navy Jets to Washington’s Whidbey Island Naval Air Station, is being criticized for the noise reduction plans he announced at his March 30 standing-­‐room only Coupeville ‘Town Hall Meeting.’ Larson revealed his plans after listening as tearful and angry residents complained about noise-related health and property damages.

The Navy’s EA18-­‐G Growlers are home-­‐based at Whidbey Island’s Naval Air Station and are the loudest jets ever to fly. They have become a source of noise complaints in seven counties from throughout the Puget Sound region.

At his previous Town Hall Meeting in Coupeville, Larsen refused even to discuss Growler issues, prompting most of those in attendance to walk out. Larson since acknowledged receiving a large number of complaints from his constituents. “We are glad our Congressman came back to hear our concerns, but very disappointed in his failure to propose meaningful solutions,” said Ken Pickard, of the Citizens of Ebey’s Reserve (COER).

Larsen listened as citizens pleaded for help, but reiterated his unwavering support for keeping Growlers at Whidbey and for their low-­‐flying training exercises. Growler training that he supports includes ‘Electromagnetic Warfare Training’ over the Olympic National Forest and Park. There are now 82 Growlers on Whidbey, with 26 more expected and a stationary emitter at OLF, Coupeville.

Larsen offered three proposals to reduce jet noise, all of which COER labeled as “non-­‐ solutions,” designed more to give people false hope and allow the continuation of harmful operations. For instance, a proposed Hush House for Growler maintenance will have minimal noise reduction and ignores the problem of noise from jets in flight. Larsen’s proposal to have Growlers fly with landing gear raised won’t change noisy “touch-­‐and-­‐go” operations that require landing gear be down. Retrofitting Growlers with “Chevrons,” which Larsen says is in the discussion phase, was once considered and rejected by the Navy. It would take years to accomplish and fails to significantly reduce noise.

When asked at the meeting, Congressman Larsen admitted that he had never heard the low-­‐ level touch-­‐and-­‐go noise, yet refused to say if he would change his position if he were given clear evidence on Growler related health harms. COER continues to provide him and other elected officials with related health studies and information.

“It is telling that Larsen voiced support for all things Growler even before a required Environmental Impact Study is completed -­‐ and in the face of overwhelming evidence of the harms being caused,” said Greenbank resident and noise victim, Rick Abraham. “Congressman Larsen appears to be in the Navy’s and Boeing’s pocket,” he said. Boeing sells the $87 million dollar jets to the Navy and contributed to Larson’s campaign.

Members of Citizens of Ebey’s Reserve (COER) will continue to educate the public and all of our elected officials about the impacts of Growler operations, said Maryon Attwood of Coupeville. We are hopeful that the Navy and Congressman Larsen will eventually take steps to protect the people they are supposed to defend and serve.