— from Erin O’Dell for Orcas Community Resource Center —

On behalf of the Orcas Community Resource Center, we are so excited that the Orcas Food Co-op has chosen our organization as the recipient of their Community Hero Program in July, 2019.

Orcas Community Resource Center helps Orcas Islanders in need by accessing services and support for their well-being. We’re here to make sure that folks in crisis have a place to turn to. Sometimes a person lacks the resources to address a medical problem. Sometimes a bad turn of events leaves someone homeless. Sometimes the impact of poverty means one of our seniors or children don’t have enough to eat or stay warm through the winter. We help people find the information and support available in our community to help them reclaim their lives.

The Resource Center is a hub that connects Orcas Islanders in need with resources that can help: food, housing, healthcare and more.  Sometimes we can help with food stamps or rental assistance, sometimes with access to health insurance or counseling to get through a personal or family crisis.  All year round, we assist families and individuals, young mothers and veterans, children and seniors.

On Thursday, July 18, 3% of the gross receipts of Orcas Food Co-op are donated to a community organization. You can also Round-up at the Register all month long to donate. When your cashier asks you if you want to round up, simply say “Yes!” The Coins for Community program allows shoppers who bring their own shopping bag to donate as well. Donating to a great cause couldn’t get much simpler than that.

We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to be part of the Co-op’s Community Hero program.