Living on an island is a unique experience. Most of the time, it feels pretty much like any other small town. That is, until something happens….the power goes out, the ferry breaks down, a storm arises. Suddenly, whatever is needed had better be here already. The wood to heat with, the food and water to sustain, and the tools needed to rebuild or repair. 

It is also then that we treasure our connection to each other. We look out for each other, lending a hand, or offering a meal. It is one of the sweeter parts of island living.

The spirit of neighbors helping neighbors is embedded in our culture, but could be lost if not nurtured. The trick of building community is to not wait until a crisis hits. Strengthening our connections needs to be a daily practice, carrying the island tradition of collaboration and support forward and ensuring we will be ready for whatever comes next.  

This Saturday’s High School Graduation is a great opportunity to dive into community. The ceremony is at 2 in the HS Gym, followed by a parade around 4 pm when each student is celebrated by being driven through town in decorated vehicles. It is a heartwarming experience for all and is certain to make you feel like Orcas is just as good as it gets.

Hope to see you there!

And Happy Father’s Day to all you good dads out there!

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