Deadline for grant applications is March 14

The Orcas Island Community Foundation (OICF) is accepting applications for the 2012 competitive grants program.  This is the 13th year of this grants program.  This years’ committee is chaired by OICF Trustee Coleen O’Brien.  Members include OICF Trustees Sally Buchanan and Craig Anderson and community members Joe Babcock, Michael Brennan, Betty Corbett, Sue Kimball, Ann Lister, Dimitri Stankevich and Bea von Tobel.

In the 2011 grants cycle, OICF, together with its Partners in Philanthropy, awarded $100,000 to 24 different Orcas Island nonprofits.  Since its inception, OICF has distributed over $2.6 million in grants through our annual grant program and from distributions from funds held by the Foundation.  OICF grants support programs providing vital social and cultural services to our community.
Nonprofit organizations with projects and programs benefiting Orcas Island are invited to submit an application. The grant guidelines and application are available on the OICF website at, or at the Foundation’s office in Eastsound (141 Prune Alley, Suite 201).  Draft applications may be submitted for a pre-review by e-mail ( by March 1, 2011.  Final applications must be received by OICF by Thursday, March 14, 2011.

All applications are reviewed by the committee and a site visit is made to learn more about each proposal.  The committee then convenes and prioritizes vetted and approved proposals and makes a funding recommendation to the OICF Board.  Funds will be given to successful applicants at the Grants Award Celebration in late May 2011.

Please contact Grants Committee Chair Coleen O’Brien at 376-4808 or OICF staff at 376-6423, or e-mail with questions about the OICF annual grants program.