By Hilary Canty, OICF Executive Director

New funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will help Orcas Island nonprofits address growing and urgent needs

The Orcas Island Community Foundation has received a $30,000 grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to increase assistance for local families that are facing economic challenges and other setbacks as a result of the recession.

In today’s difficult economic times, many Orcas families are struggling with job losses, dwindling savings, and challenging housing issues.  At the same time, many of the local nonprofit organizations that serve these families are experiencing a growing demand for their services.

The Gates Foundation addressed these issues through a special grantmaking process focusing on three specific areas: helping island nonprofits connect residents to existing public benefits and other assistance; providing more food and support for people struggling in the current economic climate; and helping prevent and reduce family violence.

In an effort to get these funds into the community as quickly as possible, the Orcas Island Community Foundation is using the Gates Foundation grant to fully fund four projects that met the Gates Foundation’s criteria, and that were vetted and rated as ”High Priority” during OICF’s spring community grant cycle, but were not fully funded at that time because of lack of funding.

These are Orcas Family Connections, Kaleidoscope preschool, and the Readiness to Learn program offered through the Orcas Island School District and Farm to Cafeteria, an Orcas Island Education Foundation program.

It is clear that the country’s economic recession has had a significant impact on low-income families on Orcas.  Kaleidoscope has seen a 29% increase in DSHS-qualified (low-income family) enrollment.  This has had a significant impact on their program, since the state’s reimbursement rate is less than Kaleidoscope’s cost to provide services.  Additionally, many families have been unable to keep up with their tuition.  Gates Foundation funding will allow Kaleidoscope to continue to serve these families.

Similarly, Orcas Family Connections (OFC), which provides home visits connecting families with young children to needed services, parenting support, and literacy programs, has had a significant reduction in state funding and an increase in the number of families seeking services.

Readiness to Learn will receive funds to address barriers to learning for students and families, and the Farm to Cafeteria will receive funds to continue providing local food and nutritional education through the school district.

The new grant to OICF is one of 12 grants announced today by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in response to the growing needs of communities throughout Washington State. Nine additional community foundations are receiving funding to increase support services for low-income families in their communities.  Grant funding will also help the Washington State Library increase programs to connect patrons with job-seeking assistance.  The LAW Fund is receiving a grant to help provide critical legal services for low-income Washingtonians facing economic hardship or family crises.

The Orcas Island Community Foundation is grateful to the Gates Foundation for supporting families in need on Orcas Island and for its recognition of OICF’s stewardship in its community.  For more information on OICF visit: To learn more about the Gates Foundation’s work in Washington state, visit