— from Catherine Pederson, Music Advocacy Group —

YES! SCHOOL MUSIC DOES MATTER – to the over 100 members of our community who responded to the Music Advocacy Group 20th Anniversary School Benefit Concert fund raising appeal.

MAG’s letter, published in Orcas Issues last week, expressed thanks to the community for its contributions of “over $8,000 in Concert donations in support of the Orcas School Music Program – although we had not reached out $10,000 20th Anniversary goal.

And now we have! Post-concert donations came in through the mail, totaling slightly over $9,000 – when a generous donation was made by long-term MAG supporters Joe Cohen and Martha Farish to lift us over our $10,000 goal.

THANK YOU ALL for encouraging and supporting our Orcas School Music Program! Because of you music will continue to flourish at Orcas School – changing and enriching lives.

Watch for announcements of the school spring Music Programs – on the MAG web page and in community announcements. You’re invited.