Monday – Friday, July 8 – 12, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., Community Church

— from Stephanie Moss for Orcas Community Church —

A summer kids’ event called Roar VBS will be hosted at the community church from Monday, July 8 to Friday, July 12. At Roar, kids discover that God is good even when life gets wild.

Kids participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, devour yummy treats, and experience one-of-a-kind Wild Bible Adventures.

They’ll make crafty creations to remind them of God’s goodness and will look for evidence of God all around them called God Sightings.

Each day concludes with the Safari Celebration that gets everyone involved in living what they’ve learned. Family members and friends are encouraged to join in daily for this special time at 11:50 a.m. Kids at Roar VBS will join efforts to provide toiletry and hygiene items for our local resource center.

Roar is for kids entering Pre Kinder (age 4) through 6th grade and will run from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. each day. For more information, call 360-376-6422.