Sunday May 3, from 2:30-4 p.m. at Lopez Island Library

— from Libby Garcia —

A free-form conversation about death at the Lopez Library on May 3

A free-form conversation about death at the Lopez Library on May 3

Death café is a place to talk about death, accompanied by coffee, tea and cake.

Begun in Europe, reshaped in the UK by John Underwood, Death Café has spread into a global forum. The motto: “To increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives.” Topics can be as diverse as your interests regarding death, including metaphysics, grief, hospice versus palliative care, physiology of death, advanced care directives, dying differently, death midwives, slow medicine, green burials, death with dignity.

Death Café endorses no particular perspective and offers a supportive open structure to encourage a rich community conversation. About death. With cake!

WHEN: Sunday May 3, 2015, 2:30-4:00
WHERE: Lopez Island Library meeting room
COST: Free!
Need more info? or Libby Garcia 360-708-7979