— from Susan Osborn —

Painting by David Densmore

Original Oil Painting “Candlelit Chapel” by David Densmore

Once again we will be gathering in the Victorian Valley Chapel on Orcas Island to celebrate Christmas and the Season in song, December 22, 23, and 24 at 7:30 p.m.and also on the 24th at 4p.m. We added this early concert so off island folks and people with young children could attend.

Tickets are $15 and children 12 and under are free and are available online at Brown Paper Tickets, and in Eastsound at Siren Boutique. I will be joined this year by Melody Funk, bass, vocals, and keyboard and David Densmore, uke, tenor guitar and vocals.

And, of course, all of you! (ie. The Twelve Days of Christmas!) Hoping you can gather with us in this intimate candlelit celebration of Christmas and the returning of the Light.