Tuesday, October 22, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m., Eastsound Fire Station

— from Jesse Douglas-Seitz for San Juan County Public Works —

San Juan County Council Member Rick Hughes along with Public Works will host a Community Meeting to discuss the Prune Alley street Improvements Project. The meeting is set for October 22, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall located at 45 Lavender Ln, Eastsound.

Public Works is finalizing the conceptual design and hiring a consultant to prepare final engineering and construction documents. Construction is planned in phases during the shoulder seasons beginning in 2020. 

This project provides for complete street improvements, including full pedestrian accommodations with curb, gutter, sidewalk and accessibility improvements, intersection improvements, storm-drain infrastructure upgrades, onsite stormwater treatment upgrades, on street parking, lighting, landscaping, a pedestrian corridor between Prune Alley and North Beach Road at Fern Street, as well as other urban streetscape amenities.

Total project cost estimate is approximately 4.5 million dollars. Join in the conversation to learn more about the project scope and timeline.