— from the Coalition for Orcas Health Care —

In several days, volunteers for the Coalition for Orcas Health Care (COHC) may respectfully request your signature on a petition for a Public Hospital District on Orcas. Who? What? – you might ask.

The COHC is a diverse group of Orcas citizens dedicated to the concept of comprehensive, sustainable health care services for all Orcas residents and visitors – now and into the future. The COHC began as a small group of people with a special interest in health care, some of whom have unique experiences having worked in the healthcare field. They contributed several letters to the editor in our local news media and participated in conversations online – all in support of that elusive goal on Orcas: truly consistent, sustainable primary care, including urgent and after-hours care. They knew from first-hand experience that the clinics on Orcas have struggled to survive financially.

The issues facing rural health care aren’t unique to Orcas; generous philanthropic donations have kept Orcas clinics afloat for many years. “Many people have monitored our health care revenues and expenses, and Orcas clinics have tried various ways to maximize revenues, but it’s always the same story,” said Alison Shaw, retired Clinic Manager and COHC member. “The reasons are many, but the simple truth is, insurance and self-pay revenues cannot support comprehensive medical care in rural practice.”

Thus, the COHC began investigating ways to support our island’s health care, guided by one, golden rule: A solution MUST support health care services for everyone on Orcas. Coalition members met with local physicians, nurses, and health care administrators, the Chief of Orcas Fire and Rescue, and other stakeholders. The concerns all focused on one need: sustainable financial support to shore up the clinics and provide resources to fill gaps in other needed services and programs. And that need pointed to one financial mechanism: a Public Hospital District.

[perfectpullquote align=”right” cite=”” link=”” color=”#778899″ class=”” size=””]The simple truth is, insurance and self-pay revenues cannot support comprehensive medical care in rural practice.[/perfectpullquote]

“There is no intent to build a hospital on Orcas,” said Art Lange, COHC member. “By state law, the definition of a Public Hospital District means a public health services district. Our focus is on health services for everyone, for now and for generations to come.”

The Coalition for Orcas Health Care has submitted a draft petition to the County Council. When approved, Coalition members will be in the community, asking for signatures. “Our primary goal now is to get enough signatures on the petition to place a measure on the ballot in April, 2018. This will give all members of our community time to learn more about the issue, discuss it thoroughly, and come to a vote about how to ensure the provision of primary and urgent care in a financially sustainable manner,” said Dale Heisinger, retired pediatrician and COHC founding member. “Lack of sufficient funding for Orcas health care has been going on for many years. I fear if we don’t act now, our clinics and the ability to tend to the wellbeing of islanders will be in serious jeopardy very soon.”