— by Cara Russell —

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The Annual Funhouse Commons Gala Fundraiser was a regular circus on Sunday evening, August 3.

Volunteer staff dressed up as carnies, tattooed ladies, clowns, and tightrope walkers for the event at Jeff and Angie Johnson’s historic barn on Nordstrom Lane.

120 guests enjoyed cocktails, spiritual reader Madam Anna Vast read guests’ fortunes and all could compete in a watermelon archery contest. Cirque de Soleil Co-Founder Ben La Barourette entertained the party-goers and auction bidders.

Asher and Olive brought a dinner to die for under a big white tent.

Funhouse Board President, Kyle Freeman congratulated new Funhouse Commons Executive Director Krista Bouchey, who took over after Pete Moe resigned last fall. For her part, Krista spoke movingly of the kids who come to the Funhouse, and expressed the impact that the Funhouse Commons has on them. She announced plans for a remodel of the Funhouse building, first constructed in 2000.

Local author Norm Stamper and the class of 2015 Co-Valedictorian Emily Jackson also made speeches.

After every dessert plate was licked clean, and every auction item was spoken for, Krista Bouchey surveyed the remains of the gala with satisfaction. “As our most important fundraiser of the year; success is imperative and this year’s gala was successful!” she said.

For more information on the Funhouse Commons programs, or to donate, please call Bouchey at (360) 376-7177 or email krista@thefunhouse.com.

The Funhouse Commons is a public 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, generously supported by the donations and grants, and volunteers from the community.